3 Reasons Why You Should Use Ecosia – Ecosia may not be one of the oldest browsers out there, but it is certainly old enough to persists and improves. Not to mention, they offer several things that no other browsers truly can. It definitely is worth the try, especially when you care about the environment.
• They Use 100% Clean Energy
At the moment, most countries still dominantly use coal and fuel as their sources for electricity. That is, by all means, is not eco-friendly. If your browser you often use to open casino games uses energy from such source, it means you will be generating carbon dioxide simply due to browsing.
Well, fortunately, you can avoid his altogether and use any browser that uses 0% coal and/or fuel energy. Ecosia.org is the prime example of this – it fully uses clean energy, harnessed using solar panels. It’s a pretty huge environmental deal that is hard to miss especially when the app/browser itself is free.
• Every 45 Searches, A Tree is Planted
Interestingly, Ecosia put up a track-record system that will keep netizens motivated to search more and more. The system is super simple – Ecosia will automatically count how many time you search using the browser (they are showing the number on the corner left). Every 45 searches, local Ecosia teams will plant a tree where people need them most, such as Africa, Indonesia, and America-Latin. Each tree can eliminate about 1 kg of carbon emission, making each use gave positive rather than negative effects. Plus, the planters are actually local people, so Ecosia also gives job opportunities for them as well.
• Transparent Reports
Wait, but where did all of these trees come from? Revenues came to play here. Ecosia had always pledged to spare some of their ad revenue to plant some trees. Lately, the budget for greening the world is about 50% or higher, which means they definitely fulfilling their promise. If you are unsure whether that is true, you can immediately see their financial reports. You will see very transparent budgeting. These reports updated every month, so you can take your time and read them all if you need to. All you have found is that their revenue is only used for planting trees and salaries – which is understandable given that Ecosia is a corporation as well.
Just like any other browsers, you can search info with keywords in Ecosia. And yet, there is more into it than just searching. By continuing to use the browser, you can contribute to a greener earth, job opportunities, and more good causes!